How To Create Affiliate Links

By Lamont Benson
How To Create Affiliate Links

You’re starting a business? Wanting to build your brand but do not have enough budget for marketing? Affiliate marketing is the way to go!

Affiliate marketing is a marketing tool by which a company drives its sales by paying a commission to a customer or an affiliate who refers the brand to others resulting in a sale.

What is an Affiliate Link?

An Affiliate link is a specific URL that is meant to be shared by the affiliate to divert traffic to the original website. This link usually contains the username or an affiliate’s unique ID.

Why Should You Get Affiliate Links?

Budget-friendly – The cost you would spend on marketing gets saved and it has a good return on investment value.

Trending – It is trendy and easy for customers to turn into affiliates with the growth of social media platforms and improvement in technologies, people are connected more than ever. This makes affiliate links a great way to spread on to a network.

Relationships – The more you grow affiliates, your growth expands ten folds and eventually, you’re going to meet marketers and industry leaders who would like to give your brand and product the kind of exposure you’re looking for in exchange for a commission.

Better SEO performance – Everyone wants to earn more and more commission, the reward mechanism makes sure that a link gets shared everywhere possible. Numerous backlinks from multiple blogs, social media posts, and videos boost your overall SEO performance.

Low Risk – This is an investment you should be willing to take instead of spending loads on your marketing budget as customers are most likely to upsell your product/service while building a relationship and increasing your consumer base at the same time.

Brand Awareness – Since customers who refer to the brand are more loyal to the brand, they’re more likely to spread the word to new customers who haven’t heard of your brand. This can create awareness beyond a single sale of a particular product that can prove to be rewarding for the company in the long run. 

How to Get Affiliate Links?

Most of the affiliate programs are fairly easy to find on the company’s website with a sign-up option to promote their business. If you’re a creator and want affiliate links, you need to make sure your engagement and reach are high. You can either have a website, a blog, or a YouTube channel, or any social media platform that allows you to share your affiliate link with your audience. 

Companies like Amazon have their affiliate programs always open for anyone. Not just Amazon, but many other giants and upcoming brands have their affiliate program on their website landing pages. You just need to sign up and you’re good to go. 

Video Marketing With Affiliate Links

We see YouTubers mention a lot about “the links in the description”, this is because those are affiliate links and they can earn them commission based on a successful sale. This is a pretty easy process but their videos need to be of good quality to drive clicks. As a creator, you need to make sure that the audience clicks on the links and for this to happen you need to have a stronghold on your audience. You can’t be making content around clothing and posting affiliate links of a musical guitar – there has to be a connection.

Your content and the links need to make sense to the audience, they should complement each other. Perhaps you’re using a Go Pro camera in your YouTube video, you can encourage the audience to use the link in the description as an easy way to head over to the product page. There is no need to hard-sell it as it will take away the charm from your video. Your videos need to be up to the mark so that you keep grabbing more eyeballs. To grow your video you can make use of a quality video editor that has a lot of video templates for you to choose from. 

Video marketing can make wonders for you when it’s clubbed with affiliate links. If you have your homegrown brand, you can create a variety of videos across all social media platforms in different formats with your affiliate program. The easiest places to plug in your social media affiliate program using your videos are YouTube descriptions of your videos, Instagram bios, Instagram ‘Swipe up’ Link for vertical videos on stories, the Facebook comment section of your videos, and retweet quotes on your video tweets. You can even choose to do it for other brands by modifying your content and messaging according to the need of the product. 

Now you know how to get affiliate links. Happy affiliating! 

By Lamont Benson